Migration from 0.x to 2.x

0.1. Steps for Migrating NativeBase from v0.x to v2.x

  1. Upgrade NativeBase to 2.0.0-alpha1 in package.json like this

     "native-base": "2.0.0-alpha1"
  2. The core of NativeBase has been re-written with NativeBase 2.0 and the use-cases have also changed but you can continue using the old style of using the components by importing the components from 'native-base/backward'

    import { Header, Content, ... } from 'native-base/backward'.
  3. If you have overwritten the styles of NativeBase components in your project using StyleSheet.create(), modify them to plain JavaScript objects. StyleSheet.create() is redundant as it's been called in the source of NativeBase components itself.

  4. If you have modified the theme (using variables.js) then you need to follow these steps

    • You may use the existing variables.js file in your project but we have added more variables. You can diff the latest variable.js and copy the newly introduced variables to your variables.js file

    • We used to overwrite the default variables of NativeBase using a theme prop in any of the NativeBase component. theme prop has been deprecated with NativeBase 2.0. To apply a custom theme, now you need to wrap your app with a <StyleProvider> component and pass the variables.js as

      import varirables from './variables'; // From your project
      import { StyleProvider, getTheme } from 'native-base';
      <StyleProvider style={getTheme(variables)}>

General Syntax to apply theme

import {Container, Content, Text, StyleProvider, getTheme} from 'native-base/backward';
import React, {Component} from 'react-native';
import variable from './Themes/variable';
export default class ThemeExample extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <StyleProvider  style={getTheme(variable)}>
                            I have changed the text color.

0.1.1. Styles to the Component

General Syntax of style.js object

export default {
  container: {
    backgroundColor: '#FBFAFA',
  text: {
    color: 'red',

General Syntax to overwrite default styles

import {Container, Content, Text, getTheme} from 'native-base/backward';
import React, {Component} from 'react-native';
// Style object import
import styles from './style';
export default class ThemeExample extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <Container style={styles.container}>
                      <Text style={styles.text}>
                          I have changed the text color.

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